Aaron Greene Guitar

"Aaron has presented a very interesting musical vision in a very impressive way."

- Rockline -

"...it's the mood, the atmosphere, and the interesting instrumental harmonies that really make this collection worth checking out."

Adam Morrison - Corus Entertainment

"Ambient, rich tonalities, and influential guitar riffs are only the tip of the iceberg of creativity Aaron has brought to the scene."

- Ilsley Film Music Studios & Source In Sync -

"Aaron successfully manages to manifest addiction to his music at the radio station. We want more!"

- UCLA Radio -


Aaron is an independent musician and Berklee College of Music Boston honors graduate. His work has been featured on regional radio stations on the West Coast, Pacific Northwest and Midwest, and national TV. He began giving private lessons at age 14 and has over 20 years of teaching experience.


Improve your tone
Optimize your recordings
Add more guitar


*all services are available for single tracks or albums
Mixing, Arranging, Production for guitars or all instruments

Take Your Guitar Skills to the Next Level

With Aaron's eBook about how to practice guitar effectively, a clear and efficient evidence based system to maximize your practice time.